31 Long Forgotten Native Herbal Remedies


my mother is native american and while she didn’t really have any special remedies, her mother did and i, as an adult have gone on and learned the old ways.  fascinating and some i have used my entire life.  even the way i garden is based on the indigenous peoples’  ways.  worth the read for sure. click the link and learn more. the photo is of a plains indian.  we are cherokee so this is not our head dress.  few people know there are many different head dresses and native wear. even the shoes are vastly different.  i will post more native articles in the future.  you should live and enjoy the life i live.  next i will be posting several tribes recipes for fry bread. YUMMY

31 long forgotten native herbal remedies

13 Pioneer Skills You May Need



13 Pioneer Skills You May Need

1. Gardening. Growing your own vegetables and fruits, knowing soil conditions, how to get water to your plants, extending your harvest season, and common garden pests will be vital to having a continuous food supply.  Check out The Forgotten Skills of Self-Sufficiency Used by the Mormon Pioneers for some great old-time gardening tips.

2. Saving seed. The other end of gardening is being able to plant again next year.  Saving seed can be kind of intimidating and mysterious, especially for plants like carrots that don’t go to seed in their first growing season.  Start with non-hybrid seeds and a reference book like Seed to Seed and practice saving some kind of seed from your next garden. This is definitely a learned skill, but could be vital to a continued food supply.

3. Blacksmithing. Being able to make something useful like a horseshoe, tool, or cooking utensil from scrap metal could come in very handy.  This is a skill people will barter for.  Blacksmith work does require a good deal of practice and some special equipment, but it’s a skill worth learning and the learning curve is cut a bit if you already know how to weld or do other metal work.

4. Shooting your dinner. Or shooting to protect yourself.  Learn to hit something with a bullet and you’ll be better fed and it may even keep you and your family alive.

5. Dressing that game. And I don’t mean sewing little clothes for it.  Once the squirrel or rabbit or bird or deer is brought home, how do you make it edible?  This skill applies to any livestock you are able to raise as well.  You’ll need to know how to clean and prepare the meat for eating.

6. Cooking over a fire. You may have other methods to cook your food available, like a solar oven or barbeque grill, but an open fire is the most primitive and one of the most common means of cooking in a grid down emergency.

7. Making a fire. Try some methods without using matches for an extra challenge.

8. Riding a horse. They make this look easy in the movies, but there is a learning curve involved.  A horse is transportation, a pack animal, and a friend.  Learning to ride one can get you places when roads are impassable or vehicles aren’t working.

9. Building a home. Or another shelter, or a fence, or something else.  Knowing how to use hand tools and simple machines will go a long way if you’re having to rebuild.

10. Making fun with sticks and rocks. Or any available raw materials.  Life’s not all about work, right?  How many games can you invent with materials you have on hand?  We all need some down time, but this will be especially important if you have children around.

11. Knowing and preparing wild edibles. Which plants in your area are safe to eat and what parts of them are edible?  A little foraging can add variety to your diet or even sustain life if there’s nothing else to eat.

12. Herbal remedies. If the doctor’s not around, knowing which herbs to use and how to use them to treat common ailments like cough, fever, headache, etc. can be a great blessing to your family or others around that may need the help.  An excellent reference for herbs and their uses is the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.

13. Sewing. Patching, fixing tears, altering hems and waistbands, or creating an entire new piece of clothing or bedding could help you stay warm and keep you from running around half naked.

Source: foodstorageandsurvival.com

Bio fuel briquettes, compress paper pulp and sawdust into fuel bricks



Making these and storing them to use if the power goes out, will probably, no, literally save your life. These can heat up a room, used to cook food on and best of all, hardly any smoke is produced, so could be used in a survival situation.

All you need is sawdust and paper… easily found for free. loose sawdust can be burned in a wood burner but can easily kill the fire and cause a lot of smoke. Learn how to make this and make a good stockpile for that “just in case” situation.




“Every Scout ought to be able to tie a knot. To tie a knot seems a simple thing, and yet there are right and wrong ways of doing it, and Scouts ought to know the right way. Very often it happens that lives depend on a knot being properly tied.” – Robert Baden- Powell, “Scouting for Boys”, 1908.

Surviving a Blizzard in a Car

Stranded Car Blizzard 150x150 Surviving a Blizzard in a Car

many of you live in areas where you get a lot of snow and the risk of being stranded is real.  please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with these safety suggestions.  be prepared! be safe!

Surviving a Blizzard While Stranded In Your Car

Blizzards are usually forecast well in advance but actual snowfall amounts and the impact the storm cannot be predicted with any accuracy. The experts are not able to predict precise snowfall amounts because a slight wind change or temperature increase can move the storm or alter the storms severity. This can cause an area to be blanketed in snow where the prediction was only for a mere dusting. The area where the storm was predicted to be the heaviest may receive the dusting. After this happens a few times, people tend to not believe and sometimes outright ignore the warnings, and thus do not properly prepare. Being prepared is especially important when you have to commute by vehicle in the winter months and preparations become even more important if you are planning an extended road trip.

Road trips can take you in and out of various road conditions and climate zones in just a matter of hours in some cases. You may start your trip where the conditions are temperate and by late in the day you may be in the middle of a snowstorm.

Winter Essentials for Your Vehicle

  • High Protein Snacks/Foods Such As MRE’s Trail Mix Hard Chocolate Peanut Butter: The Digestive Process Helps Increase And Maintain The Body’s Core Temperature And High Protein Foods Take The Longest To Digest Thus Keeping The Core Temperature Elevated Longer (72-Hour Supply)
  • Three Day Supply Of Water: To Keep The Water From Freezing If You Park Outside Place The Water In Styrofoam Coolers With Newspaper Or Other Insulating Material
  • Extra Cell Phone Battery and Charger
  • Several Thermal Blankets and/ Wool Blankets
  • Traction Pads/Sand
  • Tire Chains
  • Folding Shovel
  • Flashlight: Avoid Lights That Require Power From The Vehicle’s Battery
  • Emergency Markers For The Road And Signal Flags/Brightly Colored Material To Attach To Your Vehicle
  • Winter Boots Hat Gloves Extra Winter Parka
  • Knife/Multi-Tool
  • Duct Tape
  • Heavy Gauge Jumper Cables Or A Battery Box Than Can Jump Start Your Vehicle
  • Nylon Paracord
  • Fire Starting Materials, (cotton balls covered with petroleum jelly) emergency candles and a coffee can, can also be used to heat vehicle and lighting. Make sure to leave a crack to the window and I wouldn’t recommend falling asleep with it burning.
  • Nylon Tow Strap: Avoid Tow Chains Or Metal Cables Because These Can Snap And Whip Around Causing Injury
  • First Aid Kit
  • Glow Sticks: Place One In The Front And Back Window: The Glow Can be Seen At Night And During Heavy Snow

Once you realize you are stranded remain with the vehicle unless there is an immediate danger in doing so. Place the glow sticks in the windows and attach signal flags by raising a back window on the material to hold in place, and do this on both sides. Make sure the exhaust pipe is not obstructed with snow or other debris. An obstructed tailpipe can force toxic fumes into the vehicle.

You can run your vehicle’s engine for ten minutes at a time, every 45 minutes. This keeps the engine from getting too cold and will keep you warm as well. Make sure you have a window down a few inches to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Once settled in, avoid opening the doors to keep the heat inside the vehicle. Heat conducts from warm to cold so you must contain the heat around your body by using the blankets.

Most blizzards are accompanied by gale force winds resulting in whiteout conditions. This means you can become disorientated just a few feet from the vehicle. When you have to leave the vehicle, tie a rope to you and the vehicle to keep from becoming lost. Many people simply do not believe that you can be just a few feet from the car and become lost but you can and soon will drift farther away from the vehicle if you do not have a rope attached to you.

Once the blizzards passes you may not be able to dig yourself out so attempt to make a signal fire and to help you warm up. The safest place for you is with the vehicle. If you are off the road out of sight from the road make sure to attach signal flags where you went off the road so passing motorists or rescue personnel can see them.

Eat and urinate before sleeping. The body will have to work harder to keep the excess fluid warm and the digestive process will help keep you warmer as you sleep.

Some of those that become stranded get an anxious feeling and believe that they should start walking for help. If you have no idea, how far civilization is away, walking from your vehicle, which is your only shelter, is dangerous and deadly. If you are close to civilization then road crews with plows and law enforcement will be out servicing the roads and looking for stranded motorist. If you were miles from civilization, you would likely not make it that far on foot without getting lost, injured and succumbing to hypothermia.

Wandering off means that rescue personnel will find an empty vehicle. Stay put, wait for help, and if properly prepared you can quite easily survive the harshest of conditions if you do not panic and if you stay put inside your vehicle.