

by Dr. Mercola

Ginger has been used medicinally for centuries and in the U.S. is perhaps most known for its ability to soothe nausea and stomach upset.

It is without a doubt the best remedy I know of for nausea. You don’t need much just a piece the size of your fingernail minced very finely and swallowed.  It is phenomenally effective.

But now new research suggests this natural root may provide help for much more, including for arthritis pain, heart health, and people with asthma, in whom ginger may enhance the effects of the bronchodilating medications conventionally used to treat their condition. It may even be useful for weight control!

click here for more info:

Research: Foods/Spices Slow, Perhaps REVERSE Alzheimer’s



Did you know that so-called “incurable” neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed, if not also partially reversed? Regeneration, after all, is the default state of the human body

.for the article, click here:

Top 10 Anti Inflammatory Herbs



ou’re in search for the best anti inflammatory herbs, you’ll find this article useful. There are numerous herbs that have been proven to aid in various health problems such as inflammation, infection, blood clotting and more. However, they also come with potential side effects just like the artificial medications we buy from drugstores, but to a lesser degree of course. Below are the top 10 herbs you can use to treat inflammation with a short description of its benefits, risks and other health concerns.

What is inflammation?


Before we proceed with our discussion of the top anti inflammatory herbs, it’s necessary that we talk about what inflammation really is, what are its causes, and the like. Scientifically speaking, inflammation refers to a condition that occurs when the immune system reacts to an injury, irritation, infection and other external changes. We normally associate inflammation with skin problems. When you see a reddish bump on your skin, you’re most likely to say its inflammation. People usually consider it as normal. But sometimes, internal inflammation can take place which may lead to more serious health problems.

How To Make A Natural Wasp Spray



Last summer we noticed a softball-sized wasp nest above our garage door, with plenty of angry wasps swarming around. My husband wanted to go buy some wasp spray, and he even tried but was a half hour too late for the local hardware store’s small-town closing time.


Create Your Very Own Backyard Pharmacy: The 10 Most Useful Medicinal Plants For Your Garden




Would you like to create your very own backyard pharmacy by growing medicinal plants?

There’s no better way to use whatever extra space you have at home than to create a garden space where you can grow medicinal plants.

medicinal plants

In fact, even if you live in an apartment setting, you can create a windowsill garden where you can grow medicinal plants.

This is especially useful if you have little kids running around in the house who can acquire a burn, a shallow wound, a sore or strike up a fever.

Basically, the medicinal plants to grow in your very own little garden space should be ones with the most number of medicinal values.

for the entire article, please click the link:



Today, I tackle a subject that no one really wants to talk about- body odor. More importantly, I will tackle it naturally. Chances are, you’ve probably experienced body odor at some point. I am posting this because it was a touchy subject for me for a long time, and I’m hoping my (embarrassing) plight might be able to help someone!

Eating a good diet and drinking enough water can really cut down the odor, but sometimes you need something else. Sure, the conventional antiperspirants work great, if you don’t mind infusing your armpits with cancer causing aluminum, but for those of us who have sought a more natural option, you may have noticed that the pickings are rather slim. There are a lot of natural deodorants out there, it’s just that, well… most of them don’t work well. I say this from experience, as a woman who has been pregnant four times in the last 5 years (pregnancy increases sweat) and worked out through the pregnancies.

So what to do? Sweat like a horse or get Alzheimers and breast cancer? Is there no other option? Fortunately, there is! Unfortunately, it takes more time than going to the store, but it lasts a lot longer and is a whole lot healthier!  In my pursuit of healthy armpits, I finally found a recipe that works and is still healthy. This is after trying every natural variation I could find (which didn’t work or caused a rash) and after several very failed attempts at making it.

I did find in the process that pure baking soda or plain coconut oil work pretty well, so if you aren’t into making your own, maybe try that. Both of the recipes below work really well. I prefer the softness of the first recipe, but if you don’t have shea butter lying around, the second recipe works just as well.

I present to you:







With warm weather in the air, we are all looking forward to grilling out, swimming pools, sun bathing, and just generally spending time outdoors. We’ve waited all winter for spring to get here. But those first few really warm days always greet us with an unpleasant, little problem.

Bugs! The warm weather brings out the bathing suits and suntan lotion, but it also brings out the pests! Mosquitos, ants, yellow jackets, and the grossest of all: flies! Flies are everywhere in the summer. Nothing ruins a good picnic quicker than flies covering the hotdogs! Most people will turn to harsh, chemical solutions this summer to try and solve this most annoying problem.