31 Long Forgotten Native Herbal Remedies


my mother is native american and while she didn’t really have any special remedies, her mother did and i, as an adult have gone on and learned the old ways.  fascinating and some i have used my entire life.  even the way i garden is based on the indigenous peoples’  ways.  worth the read for sure. click the link and learn more. the photo is of a plains indian.  we are cherokee so this is not our head dress.  few people know there are many different head dresses and native wear. even the shoes are vastly different.  i will post more native articles in the future.  you should live and enjoy the life i live.  next i will be posting several tribes recipes for fry bread. YUMMY

31 long forgotten native herbal remedies



i’ve been growing turmeric for awhile.  it’s really pretty easy to grow and this link will tell you exactly what you need to do. mine grows under a japanese maple, in the shade with bright indirect light and gets watered when i think about it.  it’s very happy.  check out the link for all the info!


Flavoring Kombucha in Your Kitchen


if you love kombucha, as much as i do, you probably cannot afford to feed your “addiction”. 🙂  well guess what?  you can make your very own, fairly easily and in just about any flavour you can think of.  (my typing style is that of e.e. cummings, who never used capital letters, btw.) follow the link below and let your imagination run wild!
