16 of the greatest garden plants to grow indoors


Some rights reserved by missellyrh

16 of the greatest garden plants to grow indoors

garden year round!  eat healthy home grown food, anytime.

Tea Bags – Recycling Tips for Garden use



You may not be English and have a cup of tea at various times throughout the day but many people do drink tea quite often.  There are so many different ways to reuse a teabag (other than obviously making another cup). Here are some favorite gardening recycling tips for tea bags that you can incorporate into your tea drinking ritual.






Whether you’ve got a certified green thumb and are lamenting your move to a yard-less apartment or you’re a longtime apartment dweller looking for a nature-friendly hobby, apartment gardening can be a rewarding way to spend some time, decorate your home, and maybe even grow something edible. This article shares a few tips for getting an apartment garden started.
Read more at http://www.realfarmacy.com/tips-for-starting-an-apartment-garden/#pZ3r8iVZbCItXJgY.99

13 Pioneer Skills You May Need



13 Pioneer Skills You May Need

1. Gardening. Growing your own vegetables and fruits, knowing soil conditions, how to get water to your plants, extending your harvest season, and common garden pests will be vital to having a continuous food supply.  Check out The Forgotten Skills of Self-Sufficiency Used by the Mormon Pioneers for some great old-time gardening tips.

2. Saving seed. The other end of gardening is being able to plant again next year.  Saving seed can be kind of intimidating and mysterious, especially for plants like carrots that don’t go to seed in their first growing season.  Start with non-hybrid seeds and a reference book like Seed to Seed and practice saving some kind of seed from your next garden. This is definitely a learned skill, but could be vital to a continued food supply.

3. Blacksmithing. Being able to make something useful like a horseshoe, tool, or cooking utensil from scrap metal could come in very handy.  This is a skill people will barter for.  Blacksmith work does require a good deal of practice and some special equipment, but it’s a skill worth learning and the learning curve is cut a bit if you already know how to weld or do other metal work.

4. Shooting your dinner. Or shooting to protect yourself.  Learn to hit something with a bullet and you’ll be better fed and it may even keep you and your family alive.

5. Dressing that game. And I don’t mean sewing little clothes for it.  Once the squirrel or rabbit or bird or deer is brought home, how do you make it edible?  This skill applies to any livestock you are able to raise as well.  You’ll need to know how to clean and prepare the meat for eating.

6. Cooking over a fire. You may have other methods to cook your food available, like a solar oven or barbeque grill, but an open fire is the most primitive and one of the most common means of cooking in a grid down emergency.

7. Making a fire. Try some methods without using matches for an extra challenge.

8. Riding a horse. They make this look easy in the movies, but there is a learning curve involved.  A horse is transportation, a pack animal, and a friend.  Learning to ride one can get you places when roads are impassable or vehicles aren’t working.

9. Building a home. Or another shelter, or a fence, or something else.  Knowing how to use hand tools and simple machines will go a long way if you’re having to rebuild.

10. Making fun with sticks and rocks. Or any available raw materials.  Life’s not all about work, right?  How many games can you invent with materials you have on hand?  We all need some down time, but this will be especially important if you have children around.

11. Knowing and preparing wild edibles. Which plants in your area are safe to eat and what parts of them are edible?  A little foraging can add variety to your diet or even sustain life if there’s nothing else to eat.

12. Herbal remedies. If the doctor’s not around, knowing which herbs to use and how to use them to treat common ailments like cough, fever, headache, etc. can be a great blessing to your family or others around that may need the help.  An excellent reference for herbs and their uses is the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.

13. Sewing. Patching, fixing tears, altering hems and waistbands, or creating an entire new piece of clothing or bedding could help you stay warm and keep you from running around half naked.

Source: foodstorageandsurvival.com

how to tell the difference between male and female squash blossoms



We adore squash blossoms. When stuffed, battered, and fried, they are one of summer’s chief delicacies. But we always had a slight sense of unease when buying them. Wasn’t it quite a sacrifice for the farmer to sell each flower, since he was essentially sacrificing a future squash? Wouldn’t this flower someday grow into a much larger (and more substantial) vegetable? It seemed almost greedy to eat a flower and deny it its future as a squash!

Well, it turns out that we were wrong. Not all squash blossoms will turn into a squash, and we can eat most of the blossoms in our own squash patch with impunity. Why? Read on for an enlightening trip into squash botany, with gender, sex, and fertilization featuring high on the program.

The answer is really quite simple. Squash blossoms come in two genders: male and female. Only female squash blossoms mature into a squash. The male is just there to, well, fertilize them. As in, ahem, other parts of nature, the male blossoms rather outweigh and outnumber the female flowers. The females usually grow close to the center of the squash plant, squatting low on stubby stalks that, when fertilized, quickly balloon into miniature squash.


for the rest of the article, click here: http://www.thekitchn.com/edible-squash-blossoms-how-to-90060

Repurposed Headboard into a Flower Bed


This is a long {tutorial} post, to show you how to make a flower planter from a headboard. It is very picture heavy.  If you want details, feel free to read all the tips. If you’re like me, you’ll skim over the words, and just look at the pictures.

entire article here: http://www.myrepurposedlife.com/2013/05/repurposed-headboard-into-a-flower-bed.html



A Cat’s Cradle for Tomatoes An easy technique to train your tomatoes.



Many years ago, I saw a farm worker trellising tomatoes in a commercial field. He quickly walked down one row and up the other side with his hand bobbing up and down like a needle on a sewing machine. In minutes, hundreds of tomato plants were secure in their trellis. This speedy technique, sometimes called Florida weave, holds tomato plants upright in slots created by twine strung horizontally between stakes.

Without a trellis or cage, tomato plants would sprawl on the ground, vulnerable to fungi and insects. One of the most common ways to trellis tomatoes in the home garden is also one of the most time consuming: tying a tomato plant to a stake. With one or two plants, that’s no big deal. But if you have a dozen or more tomatoes needing weekly attention as they grow, the Florida weave saves time.

Here’s how: Plant tomatoes in a straight row, spaced about 2 feet apart. Drive stakes at the beginning and end of the row and in the spaces between the plants. (In regions without a lot of wind, you can get by with a stake between every other plant.)

