homemade elderberry syrup recipe


i love elderberries and this year, the scientists have declared that elderberry syrup will bind on your cells and PREVENT the flu virus from entering. no side effects and yummy syrup. i will have to admit that i take it daily. it prevents me from getting sick and makes me feel healthy. i do have lung disease but had zero flu or bronchitis till i ran out of elderberry syrup for 10 days. oh em gee! i was sick for weeks till i started taking a tsp. 4 times a day. pretty soon, i had no more fever and was feeling much better! i have bought 6 more cuttings to plant more elderberry bushes. that will make 9 or 10 depending and how many live through our weird, wet, winter.

if you’ve noticed, i have gone back to my writing style i stole from e.e. cummings when i was in high school. no caps. i love to write this way and on every other site i have stuck to it. i’m not sure why i felt i couldn’t be myself here. my bad.

the recipe is at the link as is the great article written by happy healthy mama. enjoy!!

elderberry syrup recipe

31 Long Forgotten Native Herbal Remedies


my mother is native american and while she didn’t really have any special remedies, her mother did and i, as an adult have gone on and learned the old ways.  fascinating and some i have used my entire life.  even the way i garden is based on the indigenous peoples’  ways.  worth the read for sure. click the link and learn more. the photo is of a plains indian.  we are cherokee so this is not our head dress.  few people know there are many different head dresses and native wear. even the shoes are vastly different.  i will post more native articles in the future.  you should live and enjoy the life i live.  next i will be posting several tribes recipes for fry bread. YUMMY

31 long forgotten native herbal remedies