coconut oil pulling chews


What is oil pulling?

If you aren’t familiar with oil pulling, it is simply swishing oil (usually sesame or coconut oil) in the mouth for a period of time (5-20 minutes) and then spitting it out in the trash.   click the link for more:

20 reasons to keep coconut oil in your bathroom

coconut oil
1. Oil Pulling – Have you swished with coconut oil? Oil pulling is a traditional way to cleanse the mouth of bacteria. Start your day with oil pulling by swishing a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth. Try to swish for at least 10 minutes. If you can, swish up to 20 minutes.
2. Wash Your Face. It’s called oil cleansing and it’s amazing! It may sound strange but oil can actually help clean your face.
3. Shave Your Legs. That’s right! Coconut oil is a girl’s best friend when it comes to shaving. If you want baby soft legs, rub a small amount of coconut oil on your legs before shaving.
4. Hair Treatment – Coconut oil helps reduce protein loss when used as a pre or post treatment. Pre-treating your hair by adding a 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil to the roots and work the oil down to the ends. Leave the coconut oil on for an hour before rinsing.
5. Skin moisturizer. Coconut oil is known to help reduce scaring, stretch marks and prevent sagging skin. It’s a natural “miracle” cream! Try my whipped coconut oil body butter here.
6. Rash and Burn Cream. Coconut oil helps to sooth rashes and burns. A small dab of coconut oil has always helped to reduce and even eliminate diaper rash.
7. Eye Makeup Remover. Another wonderful reason to have coconut oil on hand in the bathroom is for removing makeup! Wash your face and then use coconut oil to remove the remaining eye makeup.
8. Cuticle Treatment. Coconut oil does wonders for your nails! Massage your finger nails and toe nails with it as often as you like to help keep rugged cuticles tame. The anti-fungal properties of coconut oil are also helpful for keeping toes clear of fungal infections.
9. Frizz Tamer. Coconut oil is a go-to when you need to tame wild hair. Only use a small amount though. Too much coconut oil will leave your hair with an oily look.
10. To lighten age spots when rubbed directly on the skin.
11. To get rid of cradle cap on baby- just massage in to head, leave on for a few minutes and gently rinse with a warm wash cloth
12. Mixed with equal parts sugar for a smoothing body scrub (use in the shower)
13. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick
14. Use on feet to fight athlete’s foot or tor fungus
15. In place of Lanolin cream on nursing nipples to sooth irritation (also great for baby!)
16. As a natural personal lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora
17. When used consistently on skin it can help get rid of cellulite
18. Use as a natural deodorant
19. By itself or with baking soda as a naturally whitening toothpaste
20. Rub into elbows daily to help alleviate dry, flaky elbows




by Dr. Mercola

Ginger has been used medicinally for centuries and in the U.S. is perhaps most known for its ability to soothe nausea and stomach upset.

It is without a doubt the best remedy I know of for nausea. You don’t need much just a piece the size of your fingernail minced very finely and swallowed.  It is phenomenally effective.

But now new research suggests this natural root may provide help for much more, including for arthritis pain, heart health, and people with asthma, in whom ginger may enhance the effects of the bronchodilating medications conventionally used to treat their condition. It may even be useful for weight control!

click here for more info:



Today, I tackle a subject that no one really wants to talk about- body odor. More importantly, I will tackle it naturally. Chances are, you’ve probably experienced body odor at some point. I am posting this because it was a touchy subject for me for a long time, and I’m hoping my (embarrassing) plight might be able to help someone!

Eating a good diet and drinking enough water can really cut down the odor, but sometimes you need something else. Sure, the conventional antiperspirants work great, if you don’t mind infusing your armpits with cancer causing aluminum, but for those of us who have sought a more natural option, you may have noticed that the pickings are rather slim. There are a lot of natural deodorants out there, it’s just that, well… most of them don’t work well. I say this from experience, as a woman who has been pregnant four times in the last 5 years (pregnancy increases sweat) and worked out through the pregnancies.

So what to do? Sweat like a horse or get Alzheimers and breast cancer? Is there no other option? Fortunately, there is! Unfortunately, it takes more time than going to the store, but it lasts a lot longer and is a whole lot healthier!  In my pursuit of healthy armpits, I finally found a recipe that works and is still healthy. This is after trying every natural variation I could find (which didn’t work or caused a rash) and after several very failed attempts at making it.

I did find in the process that pure baking soda or plain coconut oil work pretty well, so if you aren’t into making your own, maybe try that. Both of the recipes below work really well. I prefer the softness of the first recipe, but if you don’t have shea butter lying around, the second recipe works just as well.

I present to you:


A RECIPE FOR TURMERIC JUICE: a powerful healing beverage



Turmeric is known to be one of the most powerful healing herbs. It is great for bones and joints as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer. 
Turmeric’s also a natural liver detoxifier and a kidney cleanser, and it speeds metabolism and aids in weight management. Plus it heals and alleviates conditions of depression, psoriasis, damaged skin, arthritis and more. 
For these reasons, turmeric is ubiquitous both in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine.
for the entire article please click link:  


 Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agentcomposed only of water



Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agentcomposed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation! Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer. It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process. When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water.

1. Whiten Clothes – An Alternative to Beach

Add a cup of Peroxide to white clothes in your laundry to whiten them. Peroxide is great to get rid of blood stains on clothes and carpets. If there is blood on clothing, just pour directly on the spot, let it sit for about a minute, then rub and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.

for the entire list, click this link: