homemade elderberry syrup recipe


i love elderberries and this year, the scientists have declared that elderberry syrup will bind on your cells and PREVENT the flu virus from entering. no side effects and yummy syrup. i will have to admit that i take it daily. it prevents me from getting sick and makes me feel healthy. i do have lung disease but had zero flu or bronchitis till i ran out of elderberry syrup for 10 days. oh em gee! i was sick for weeks till i started taking a tsp. 4 times a day. pretty soon, i had no more fever and was feeling much better! i have bought 6 more cuttings to plant more elderberry bushes. that will make 9 or 10 depending and how many live through our weird, wet, winter.

if you’ve noticed, i have gone back to my writing style i stole from e.e. cummings when i was in high school. no caps. i love to write this way and on every other site i have stuck to it. i’m not sure why i felt i couldn’t be myself here. my bad.

the recipe is at the link as is the great article written by happy healthy mama. enjoy!!

elderberry syrup recipe



photo for DE.jpg

i use this stuff for everything! from keeping ants out of my house, to de-fleaing the pets, to taking for a detox for myself… this stuff is “magic”. i never put any poisons on anything in my gardens but DE makes it possible to still grow organically while killing those little suckers! i buy the FOOD GRADE ONLY in 50 lb. bags. i even bought a bag for my mom and she thinks it’s wonderful, as well. check out the article…it’s informative and helpful.

best uses of diatomaceous earth

health benefits of bentonite clay

bentonite clay

Bentonite Clay one of the most highly sought after healing clays in the world. Different cultures around the world, like in the Andes, Central Africa and Australia, have consumed clays in numerous ways for centuries for digestive issues, illnesses and skin conditions because of it’s ability to eliminate toxins from the human body.  Read more at the link:   health benefits of bentonite clay

DIY Homemade Plantain (herb) Ointment


©beverly armstrong 2015


Plantain may just be a weed to others but it has amazing properties that are perfect for first aid treatment of
bites, stings, wounds, allergies, rashes, sunburns,and other skin problems.  To make plantain ointment, all you
need to have is the following:
* 4 oz olive oil infused with dried plantain leaf
* 1 oz of beeswax
* 5 drops of vitamin  E (oil)
* 3 drops of peppermint oil
* 2 mason jars


1. For the infused olive oil, fill a dry quart mason jar with dried plantain leaves and the olive oil.  Tightly seal.
Place the jar in a crock pot with a layer of towel at the bottom; fill it with water reaching half the jar.  Set it to warm for two days.
2.  To make the ointment, pour beeswax and strained oil in a pan over low heat.  Stir and remove when melted.  Add the vitamin E oil and the peppermint oil and stir.  Transfer to a dry mason jar and let stand for a day to harden. Use when needed.

©beverly armstrong 2015

8 Detox Water Recipes to Flush Your Liver


Drinking water all by itself is a way to help flush the body of toxins on a daily basis, but with a few simple ingredients you can transform water into detox water and get even more benefit from it. This is something you can do each day, or as part of a more broad detoxing strategy. Each one of the ingredients listed here will provide slightly different benefits, so be sure to choose it according to the particular goal you have.

click here for more: http://bembu.com/detox-water-recipes

How to Use Diatomaceous Earth


Let me ask you – do you want an effortless way to detox your body? Do you know someone who would like to lower their blood pressure? Would you like to have natural parasite protection for your pets and livestock? Well, read on; I’d love to talk more about this precious powder, and share with you many of the ways it can be used to help improve your health, your home, and of course, your homestead.   click the link for more!
