Moisturizing Coffee + Sugar Body Scrub (diy + oil-free)

from THE FREE SPIRITED  click link for full recipe and instructions

#coffeesugarbodyscrub, #beauty, #diy, #facial, #bodyscrub

#COFFEE scrub.jpg


Blend up your brown sugar if you want it finer

Mix in vitamin C powder – it’s great for skin and also can act as a preservative to prolong shelf-life

With a spoon mix in vegetable glycerin

Add in coffee grounds and mix again

Store in airtight container

To Scrub: Apply to damp skin and scrub in circular motions, rinse clean and moisturize

enjoy making your own coffee sugar scrub and get all the details at the link below.


diy coffee creamer by prepper penny

Did you know you can make your own flavored coffee creamer? It’s easy. I do it about every week. It’s easy, less expensive than the commercial brands and you have complete control of the ingredients!

1 Can each Sweet Condensed Milk & Evaporated Milk
Put it in an airtight container and shake the heck out of it. I use a quart canning jar.

Flavor to taste. I am partial to using my Madagascar Vanilla Bean Paste. But you can use any flavor extract, make your own pumpkin spice, or even use candy flavoring. The type you find at craft stores to flavor candy~don’t use candy! I will sometimes use chocolate and peppermint extracts together. Yum. But this is where you can be creative.

Did I tell you it has zero calories? Probably because it’s loaded with them. I chose not to even look, lol.Image