How to Make the Perfect Hummingbird Food


We live in an area where hummingbirds are here all year long, even when it is bitterly cold, raining, etc. We keep feeders out all year long and have learned a lot in the past 11 years. I have planted flowers that bloom all year. When the season is over for one, another is ready to bloom. Some flowers, like pineapple sage, only bloom in fall and winter and they are red! Bonus.  A lot of people don’t understand how important it is to keep feeders clean, change the nectar and clean the feeders every 3 days…no excuses, and that not doing this will kill a hummingbird with an invisible fungus. None of us wants to be responsible for the detriment of our beautiful, tiny friends.

The attached article at the link will give you expert advice on how to make perfect nectar. NO RED DYE PLEASE.  Although it says to boil the water, you really don’t have to. A lot of people do it so that the sugar dissolves faster. I make a gallon at a time and I use warm filtered water. Yes, one gallon is what it takes to keep up with my little bird friends’ appetites!

For more information, Click here: perfect hummingbird food