
this is by far the easiest way to get anti-inflammatory turmeric into that man i’m married to. he will complain and limp around with his old self but refuses to try anything “scary”. yeh. that’s what i’m up against. 🙂  at any rate, he loves lemonade and we have a meyer lemon tree that is competing in the lemon tree olympics, apparently. it’s loaded beyond belief and i need ways to use the lemons. voila! this post popped up in my email. i will share a small quote from the author and then post the link to her website with the full recipe. enjoy!

Ginger Turmeric Lemonade

Fresh ginger turmeric lemonade recipe made whole foods: fresh ginger and turmeric root and a touch of black peppercorns to boost the absorption of curcumin and stimulate the taste buds.

ginger turmeric lemonade