black bean and farro salad

black bean farro salad


Black beans and farro team up beautifully in this ultra-hearty
grain salad. The duo pairs unexpectedly well with a crunchy
Granny Smith apple and creamy avocado. A bright cilantro
and shallot vinaigrette ties the whole dish together.
Farro (Wheat), Black Beans, Avocado, Apple, Shallot, Cilantro, White Wine Vinegar
Cooking time 45 min
Difficulty level Level 1
2 People
Farro 1 ¾ C
Black Beans 1 box
Avocado 1
Granny Smith Apple 1
Shallot 1
Cilantro ¼ oz
White Wine Vinegar 2 T
Olive Oil* 2 T
4 People
Farro 11/2 C
Black Beans 2 boxes
Avocado 2
Granny Smith Apple 2
Shallot 2
Cilantro 2 (came in a box with about 6 small stems)
White Wine Vinegar 4T
Olive Oil 4T
Nutrition per person Calories: 787 cal | Carbs: 106 g | Fat: 28 g | Protein: 28g | Fiber: 33g | Sodium: 155mg
1 Cook the farro: add the farro to a large pot of water with a large pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook for 30-35 minutes until tender. Drain and rinse under cold water.
2 While the farro cooks, drain and rinse the beans. Finely chop the cilantro. Halve, peel, and mince the shallot.
3 Make the cilantro vinaigrette: in a large bowl, combine the cilantro,shallot, and 1 Tablespoon white wine vinegar. Whisk in 2 Tablespoons olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
4 Halve, pit, and dice the avocado. Cut the apple into ½-inch cubes,discarding the apple core. Toss the apple into the vinaigrette.
5 When the farro is ready, toss it into the vinaigrette along with the black beans. Season with salt and pepper.
6 Plate the farro mixture, then top with the avocado. Dig in and enjoy!
NOTE: i hate cilantro as does my husband, so i got some fresh basil out of my garden and added it instead of cilantro.

from hello fresh