Vegetarian or vegan pad thai

vegan pad thai

i recently had a massive heart attack and 2 heart surgeries (3 stents).  because i have major chemical sensitivity and have tried all the statins and am type I diabetic, i have to control my cholesterol with diet and exercise.  i was told i MUST become vegan.  not even fish.  to that end, when i find something that looks appetizing in my limited range of acceptable foods, i like to share it.   enjoy!

How to make luxurious body butter with just three ingredients

awesome. looks so luxurious! gotta try this myself!

Body butter blog

My biggest advice for someone who is trying to switch over to a more natural, healthy lifestyle is to just do a little at a time, and I follow my own advice. I think it is the key to sustaining changes in the future.

Now that it doesn’t feel like such a struggle to buy, cook and eat naturally, I’m starting to take aim at other areas in my life. My new goals? Switching over the health and beauty products I’m using to more natural alternatives. Our skin is our largest organ, right? So, why would we want to gunk it up with a bunch of junk? I’ll admit my cabinets have been filled with Bath and Body Works lotion. It’s my weakness, but after I checked out the ingredient list (and realized I didn’t know what nearly anything was), I decided to end the love affair. Seriously, check this…

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Sorry for my abscence ….. it’s been a strange summer with 5 surgeries

sorry i haven’t been posting and have NO gardening photos for you.  i had 3 cancer surgeries, 6 weeks later a massive heart attack and 2 surgeries.  i’ve been spending my time trying to heal.

i’m feeling a little better so i’ll post now and again.  hope you can hang on till i’m my old self again.

thanks for your support,

gardengal bevy