Hamburger Bun Dough


(i own the rights to this photo. beverly armstrong)


this is totally worth the effort. the buns are soft and full of flavour!  we had grass fed hamburgers with gouda cheese. it was rich, filling and satisfying.  we will eat our sandwiches on this bread all week.  yummy!!

Hamburger Bun Dough

December 22, 2013 at 7:58pm

1 egg plus enough warm water to equal 1 1/3 cups

1/4 cup melted butter

1/4 cup sugar (Could use honey instead, but the dough will be more sticky)

1 1/2 teaspoon salt

4 cups bread flour (I used half organic white bread flour and half fresh ground hard white winter wheat.  You could use 100% whole wheat, but the dough will be heavier.)

1 1/2 teaspoon instant yeast/bread machine yeast or 2 teaspoons active dry yeast


Place all ingredients in mixer or bread machine and mix for 6-8 minutes, until ingredients are well mixed and gluten has had a chance to develop.  If mixing by hand, blend all ingredients except flour.  Add flour one cup at a time, mixing well after each addition.  (You may need to adjust the amount of flour based on humidity conditions.)  When dough is stiff enough to mix by hand, dump onto a well-floured counter and knead for 5-10 minutes.


Note:  If using active dry yeast, add the yeast to the warm water and allow it to warm and dissolve following directions on yeast package before adding the rest of the ingredients.


Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.  Punch down dough, let rise until double in size.  This batch got a little past double, but that’s okay.

Divide dough into desired number of buns and loaves and shape accordingly.  Remember, the bread will rise again and double in size.  Cover with a clean dish cloth and place in a warm location until it doubles in size.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 18 minutes or until buns are golden brown.

Watching this video might be the most important thing you do today

if you need inspiration, watch this video. it’s worth your time.

The Matt Walsh Blog

I don’t do this. I don’t think I’ve ever done this.

I don’t use this blog to simply pass along content from other websites. I’ve always wanted this to be a place for my opinion and commentary, not copied and pasted regurgitation.

So, honestly, when someone — a friend of Abigail’s — sent me this video last week, I didn’t think I’d put it on my site.

But then I watched it.

And then I watched it again.

This is truly one of the most powerful things I’ve ever seen. I don’t say that lightly. The woman in the clip is named Abigail Smith.


She had terminal cancer. She died a couple of weeks ago — shortly after filming this.

What makes this video remarkable is the sheer courage, faith, and wisdom this young woman demonstrates. I can write all day about these things in the abstract, but Abigail Smith provides…

View original post 182 more words



these would cure all kinds of PMS, wouldn’t they?  i think i’ll make some for my husband.  yes, men get PMS, too. lol

Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars

2 cups quick-cooking oats
1 3/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
1 1/2 cups All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup butter
1/2 cup chopped peanuts
1 cup (6 oz. pkg.) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 large egg, beaten
1 (14 oz.) can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 cup Creamy Peanut Butter

HEAT oven to 350°F. Combine oats, brown sugar, flour, baking powder and baking soda in large bowl. Cut in butter with pastry blender or 2 knives until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in peanuts.
RESERVE 1 1/2 cups crumb mixture. Stir egg into remaining crumb mixture. Press onto bottom of 13 x 9-inch baking pan.
BAKE 15 minutes.
STIR together sweetened condensed milk and peanut butter in small bowl until well combined. Pour evenly over partially baked crust.
STIR together reserved crumb mixture and chocolate chips. Sprinkle evenly over peanut butter layer.
BAKE an additional 15 minutes. Cool. Cut into bars.




We recently moved from a 4 bedroom house, to a 3 bedroom house.  It’s lovely and rural and quiet, however, I was used to a lot more storage.  As I unpack and look around for someplace to put my “stuff”, I am trying to come up with some creative storage… then I found this blog post.  Take a look for yourself.  I’ll bet you find something helpful here, as well.