DIY Fly Strips + More Ways to Control Flies in your Coop and Run NATURALLY

Chicken poop attracts flies, chicken feed attracts flies, standing water attracts flies, meat scraps and cut up fruits and veggies (i.e. chicken treats) attract flies. In short, if you have chickens, you’ll have flies. Spraying pesticide near your coop and run area isn’t an option obviously, so I would like to offer some natural ways to control your fly population.

I’ve tried many different commercial products as well as homemade recipes, and I prefer the homemade versions. Not only are they inexpensive and easy, I know exactly what is in them. I would like to share what works best for me.

I have learned that ‘layers’ of fly control offer the best protection against flies.  Obviously not leaving any puddles or standing water is important, as is removing uneaten feed, especially feed that has gotten wet, and sprinkling food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE) around the feeders and coop area.  Removing soiled litter from the coop regularly will also reduce your fly population.  Adding garlic powder and probiotic powder to your chickens’ feed can also make their excrement less attractive to flies.
In addition to taking the above basic steps against flies, there are two types of fly control products – those that repel flies and those that attract and trap flies.  Let’s start with the repellents.

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repel flies