
Cleaning out the sewing room recently, I came across a good stash of homegrown calendula petals from last year that were dried and ready to go. Ah, yes, calendula soap. I had wanted to have a crack at this for quite some time and my memory had been jogged after chatting soap and calendula with a vegie groupie just last week. Calendula is well known for it’s skin soothing properties and as an added bonus, the petals actually keep their colour during the saponification process, when the lye and oils mix together to form ‘soap’. I just had to give it a go..

(**This is not a detailed tutorial for making soap. Certain safety precautions need to be observed when making soap at home which I haven’t covered here. See Rhonda’s cold pressed soap recipe if starting out with handmade soaps for the first time.**)

for the full article, please click the link:


also, check out the other article entitled:HOW TO MAKE COLD PRESSED SOAP